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Best Foods To Boost Breast Milk Production

Don't worry, most mothers are able to feed the baby well but, for those who can't or who wish to increase the supply, there are certain foods which can boost breast milk production.

Know the best foods for an improved breast milk supply

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It is normal for a breastfeeding mother to be concerned about her breast milk supply. After all, it is about nursing the little one well. Don't worry, most mothers are able to feed the baby well but, for those who can't or who wish to increase the supply, there are certain foods which can boost breast milk production. Be sure to consult your doctor before going for regular consumption of all these foods. Though natural and health foods will not cause damage, it is always better to seek prevention before cure.

The nursing phase is when a mother needs complete attention and healthcare. The primary concern is to feed the baby well and finding answers to the question which foods can promote the breast milk supply. Lactation can be boosted with nutritious and high-fibre foods. Take a look at the best foods for improving lactation and bringing you back in terms of health post delivery.

1. Oatmeal

Post delivery, you are at a higher risk of diabetes. Oatmeal is a great way to curb such risks. Moreover, this high fibre food helps greatly in boosting breast milk supply. You can have it as breakfast combined with the goodness of fruits and milk or even yogurt.

Oatmeal for breast milk supply
Photo Credit: istock

2. Cookies

Yes, you don't need to avoid your love for cookies anymore. But these aren't just any chocolate-chip or flavoured cookie, but special lactation cookies.

Lactation cookies for breast milk supply
Photo Credit: istock

3. Garlic

Garlic adds a layer of deliciousness to your food and also helps you with digestion in general. But for a newly promoted-to-mommy woman, garlic is a great way to boost breast milk supply. For those who do not like the flavour or aftertaste of this staple, there are garlic pills which do not leave behind the flavour of it.

4. Carrots

This one is known to be in extra demand when you are lactating. A healthy source of carbs and potassium, carrots help you in losing those extra pounds and promote an improved breast milk supply.

Carrots for improving breast milk supply
Photo Credit: istock

5. Fennel seeds

Fennel seeds are digestives which help in controlling baby colic. You can use them as vegetable fillings and flavouring agents for tea or milk. This can help in improving your breast milk supply.

Fennel seeds for improving breast milk supply
Photo Credit: istock

6. Brown rice

Brown rice is known for enhancing breast milk production. Brown rice has hormone stimulants which improve lactation and give you the extra energy you need during the post pregnancy period.

Brown rice for improving breast milk supply
Photo Credit: istock

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