Non-Dairy Foods That Contain Calcium

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Calcium is an important nutrient that plays a role in many of your body's basic functions. It helps to build and maintain strong bones and teeth.

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Calcium sources

Milk and other dairy products are good sources of calcium. However, those suffering from lactose intolerance or vegans can still get a daily dose of calcium with non-dairy sources.

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Dried figs

Dried figs are loaded with fibre and antioxidants. You can enjoy this non-dairy source of calcium as an evening snack. It can also help beat sugar cravings.

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This green vegetable is high in many nutrients including fibre, vitamin C, iron, potassium, folate and calcium.

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Leafy greens

Some dark, leafy greens contain calcium. Add spinach and kale to your diet to boost your calcium intake.

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Sesame seeds

Tiny sesame seeds contain plenty of calcium, zinc and copper. You can garnish salads, bread, smoothies and shakes with sesame seeds.

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Popularly known as the heart-friendly nut, almonds are among the highest in calcium of all nuts. Soak some almonds in water overnight and enjoy every day.

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Also known as rajgira, amaranth is high in fibre, protein and many important micronutrients. It can be prepared in no time to beat hunger pangs in a healthy way.

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