Foods That Help Can Reduce Anxiety

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Anxiety, a feeling of fear and uneasiness, may cause symptoms like sweat, restlessness and having a rapid heartbeat. It can be a normal reaction to stress.

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A healthy diet that includes lots of fruits and vegetables and omitting highly processed foods may help lessen the symptoms of depression, according to recent research.

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Complex carbs

Since carbohydrate-rich foods stimulate the production of the feel-good brain chemicals serotonin and tryptophan, diets low in carbohydrates have a tendency to precipitate depression.

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Vit D

Though more research is required, research has connected depression and anxiety traits to low levels of vitamin D in the blood.

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Serotonin is a chemical neurotransmitter that helps control mood, sleep, memory, and behaviour. It is found in the brain, bowels, and blood platelets.

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Pumpkin seeds

Potassium from pumpkin seeds is a fantastic source for controlling blood pressure and electrolyte balance. It has been found that higher cortisol levels, a stress hormone that the adrenal glands release, were linked to lower potassium and magnesium levels.

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By lowering inflammation and oxidative stress, which frequently rise in people who experience mood disorders like anxiety and depression, turmeric's active ingredient curcumin helps reduce anxiety.

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The beneficial bacteria Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium can be found in yoghurt. New research suggests that these bacteria and fermented foods benefit brain health. 

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Theanine, an amino acid found in green tea, has come under increasing scrutiny because of its possible effects on mood disorders. Theanine may boost serotonin and dopamine production and has calming and anti-anxiety properties.

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