Foods That Help Delay The Ageing Process 

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We are living in a world of stress & chemicals and facing environmental assault due to which disease & ageing is inevitable - unless you choose your food wisely.

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Nothing keeps your cells young, vibrant, and disease-free like eating fresh fruits & vegetables. They have a major anti-ageing impact on our overall health.

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What to eat

Here is a list of foods, by Nutritionist Anjali Mukherjee, which have lots of known & unknown antioxidants, which help & potentiate each other & help delay the ageing process.

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They are a powerhouse against ageing. They also help lower cholesterol, cut cancer risk & boost immune functions.

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Onions are known to thin the blood, raise good cholesterol, and are anti-inflammatory agents. Just like garlic, they have powerful anti-ageing benefits.

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Cabbage is  rich in Indole-3-carbinol which helps correct estrogen dominance and has powerful anti-ageing benefits.

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Grapes are rich in powerful antioxidants that can fight free radical damage to the cells in your body.

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These are the richest source of lycopene a remarkable antioxidant which helps protect brain health & has powerful anti-cancer & anti-ageing properties.

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The lutein in spinach has powerful anti-ageing properties. Spinach is also rich in folic acid which is required for DNA repair, which in turn slows down the ageing process.

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