Yoga Poses To Get Rid Of Stubborn Belly Fat

These Won't Fail!

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Yoga For Belly Fat

Poor diet and lack of exercise can give you a flabby tummy. Tap to know how yoga can help you melt belly fat.

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Surya Namaskar

Sun Salutations are a combination of 12 yoga poses. Do 5 or more rounds, as per your stamina, to melt belly fat.

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Forward Bends

This yoga pose can relax the abdominal muscles. Regular practice can help in getting rid of stubborn belly fat.

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Seated Forward Bend

This yoga pose gives a good stretch to hamstrings, hips and thighs. It helps in toning your tummy. 

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Boat Pose

Regular practice of the boat pose can help you have a flatter stomach. You can also perform it in a boat-like movement.

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Camel Pose

This yoga pose will give you a nice stretch as you touch your ankles. Do it regularly to tone down belly fat.

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Cat Cow Pose

This pose results in a forceful contraction of abdominal muscles. It is great for improving spine flexibility.

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Cobra pose

This pose gives your abdomen a good stretch and also helps in strengthening back muscles.

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Bow Pose

The bow pose can help in giving a nice stretch to your back, thighs, arms and chest. It can also improve your posture.

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