Worst Foods For Diabetics In Summer

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Certain foods can be particularly detrimental for diabetics during the summer. These foods can cause rapid spikes in blood glucose levels, making blood sugar management more challenging. Foods high in sodium can also exacerbate dehydration which is a common issue during hot weather.

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Sugary drinks

Beverages like sodas, sweetened iced teas, and fruit punches are high in sugar and can cause rapid spikes in blood glucose levels.

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Frozen desserts

These treats are high in sugar and fat, which can lead to increased blood sugar levels and weight gain.

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Processed snack foods

Chips, pretzels, and other processed snacks are high in refined carbohydrates and sodium, which can affect blood sugar control and increase dehydration risk.

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High-sugar fruits

Fruits like mangoes, pineapples, and grapes have high natural sugar content, which can cause blood sugar spikes.

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Sweetened yogurts

Many flavored yogurts are loaded with added sugars, making them a poor choice for blood sugar management. Choose plain Greek yogurt and add fresh fruit or a drizzle of honey if needed.

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Alcoholic beverages

Cocktails, beers, and sweet wines contain high amounts of sugars and carbs, which can lead to erratic blood sugar levels.

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Sauces and marinades

These often contain high levels of sugar and can add unnecessary carbohydrates to grilled meats and vegetables.

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