World Hypertension Day: Yoga For High BP

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Most people who have high blood pressure do not have symptoms but it can put you to risk of heart disease. This is why it's sometimes called ‘the silent killer.' 

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A healthy diet and regular exercise can help control blood pressure and another natural and safe method to control hypertension is practicing yoga. 

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Yoga involves breathing in a certain pattern which can control blood pressure as well as relieve stress. It can also enhance the functioning of the heart.

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Child pose

Child pose is beneficial for hypertension patients as it reduces stress and improves blood circulation throughout the body. 

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Shavasana or the corpse pose is an easy pose that can support lowering of blood pressure. 

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It calms the brain, relieves stress and reduces headache, fatigue and insomnia, which are risk factors of high blood pressure. 

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This asanas helps regulate breathing and gives relief from high blood pressure by promoting a peaceful mind and reducing stress. A relaxed mind promotes a healthy body. 

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Cobra pose also known as Bhujangasana is helpful in circulating blood and oxygen. This pose also relieves stress and promotes heart health. 

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Bridge pose

Bridge pose also regulates blood pressure as it calms the brain and alleviates stress. This asana is also beneficial in managing mild depression. 

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