Weight Loss Tips That Won't Fail

You Must Try These!

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Don't Starve

Starving never works! In fact, it increases cravings and makes you feel frustrated. Have a balanced diet which includes all food groups - proteins, fats, fibre, carbs, dairy products, etc. 

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Portion Size

Take care of your portion size. To practice portion control, start your meal with a glass of water. Focus more on vegetables, measure correctly and learn to estimate correct serving sizes.

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Small, frequent meals

Begin with reducing portion size of your meals and eventually reduce it to half. As long as you choose the right foods and keep portion sizes in check, six to eight meals a day leave no room for cravings and untimely hunger.

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Exercise mindfully

You cannot achieve your target weight without a regular exercise routine. A minimum of 30 minutes of exercise in a day is the gateway for healthy weight loss. At the same time, do not overtrain and have rest days in between. 

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Weight training

Cardio will help you burn calories, but weight training will help you burn fat and gain muscles. This is important for you to get stronger and fitter. 

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Stay Hydrated

Water is helpful for weight loss as it helps burn more calories and may even suppress your appetite if consumed before meals. Drinking sufficient water helps boost metabolism and cleanses your body of waste.  

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Get adequate sleep

Studies have linked poor quality sleep or insufficient sleep to higher body mass index (BMI), weight gain and an increase in appetite. 

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Include more Fibre

Fibre can increase satiety and can help in controlling weight in the long-term. Fruits, vegetables, oats, nuts and seeds are rich in fibre. 

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Kick off the Stress

Believe it or not, stress actually makes it more difficult to lose weight. The real horror is that it may sometimes make you gain weight! Efficient weight loss cannot be achieved with stress on your mind. 

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