Vegetarian Vitamin- B12 Boosting Foods

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Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble vitamin essential for our health.. Vitamin B12 is primarily found in animal products, making it a challenging nutrient to obtain for vegetarians and vegans. However, there are vegetarian sources to increase B12 intake. 

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Plant-based milk 

These milks are often fortified with B12 and provide a dairy-free alternative that is also rich in calcium and vitamin D, supporting bone health and immunity.

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Fortified cereals

Many cereals are fortified with B12 and other essential vitamins and minerals. They offer a convenient and quick way to ensure you're getting your daily nutrients.

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Nutritional yeast

This deactivated yeast is often fortified with B12 and has a cheesy flavour, making it a popular addition to vegetarian and vegan dishes. It's also rich in protein and fibre, supporting muscle health and digestion.

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Fortified tofu and tempeh

Some tofu and tempeh products are fortified with B12. These soy-based foods are excellent sources of protein and contain all nine essential amino acids, making them great for muscle repair and growth.

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Nori contains small amounts of B12 and can be easily incorporated into the diet through sushi, salads, or snacks. It also provides iodine, which is crucial for thyroid function.

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This freshwater algae is a natural source of B12 and also provides protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and antioxidants, supporting overall health and reducing inflammation.

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Supplements can ensure adequate B12 intake, especially for those who may struggle to get enough from diet alone. They support red blood cell production and neurological function.

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