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Tips To Prevent Childhood Obesity

You Must Know These!

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Childhood obesity

It is a serious health issue affecting children all across the world. Children above the average weight for their height and age are considered obese.

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Childhood obesity can negatively affect a child's physical, mental and social well-being. Timely prevention is the first step to control some serious health issues.

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Exercise daily

Exercise is important for adults as well as children. It is one of the safest ways to lose weight. Try some fun exercises to make it interesting for your kids.

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Plan family activities

Plan activities like swimming, cycling or play their favourite outdoor game. Spending more time with your child might help them maintain a healthy weight.

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Reduce sugar intake

Candies and desserts are your kid's worst enemies. They lack in nutrition and contain huge amount of calories. Replace sugar with healthy alternates like a fruit.

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Limit screen time

Studies reveal that kids who spend more time watching TV or on other screens are more likely to be overweight. Ensure that your child stays physically active. 

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Eat together

If you'll eat a healthy meal, it will inspire your kids to do the same. Avoid eating junk foods and make sure your meals contain all the essential nutrients. 

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Teach the basics

Help your child learn how to differentiate between healthy and unhealthy snacks. Snacks like fresh fruits, veggie sticks, oats, yogurt or nuts are some healthy options.

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Cook more often

Eating out often means consumption of unhealthy calories. Prepare healthy meals at home. Ask your kids to help you out to develop interest in it.

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Set a good example

Be your kids' role model. Exercise more often, consume a healthy diet and spend less time on the phone so that your kids learn the same habits.

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