Tips To Boost Respiratory Health

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The lungs are one of the most integral and vital organs in our bodies. Poor air quality and extreme cold weather can pose a range of challenges for respiratory health.

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Here we have a list of diet and lifestyle changes to ensure better health of your lungs and overall body.

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Stop smoking

Lung cancer is primarily caused by cigarette smoking among other causes. Cigarette smoke damages lung tissues over time and could lead to cancerous developments.

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Prevent infections

Our lungs are particularly vulnerable to infections, especially as we get older. Wash frequently with water and soap and try to keep hands as far away from the face as possible.

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Do breathing exercises

Regular Yoga or physical exercise can increase your capacity of oxygen intake and can profound the respiratory system. Deep breathing techniques and exercises help increase our lung capacity.

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Exercise regularly

The most crucial thing we can do for the health of our lungs is to exercise regularly. Our lungs work harder and our hearts beat more quickly when we exercise.

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Stay hydrated

The need to drink enough water for the body as a whole extends to the lungs. The mucosal linings of the lungs remain thin by maintaining a healthy level of hydration.

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Eat these

Some specific nutrients and foods can be beneficial to your lungs. Add anti-inflammatory and citrus foods to your diet like beetroot, apples, turmeric, tomatoes, green tea etc.

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Get regular check-ups

Even when you are feeling well, routine checkups can help prevent diseases. Particularly essential in the case of lung disease, which can occasionally go unnoticed until it is severe.

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