Healthy Metabolism

How Improving Lifestyle Can Help

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What is metabolism?

Metabolism is the process by which body converts food into energy. It helps combine calories in food with oxygen to release energy.

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Eat more protein

Protein-rich foods increase the thermic effect of food (TEF), in which body burns more calories while digesting food.

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Drink enough water

Drinking water can increase resting metabolism rate. Drink water 30 minutes before meals to improve metabolism.

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HIIT it out!

High intensity interval training can help you burn more fat by increasing metabolic rate even after the workout. 

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Lift Weights 

Your muscles are more metabolically active than fat. Weight lifting can help you build muscles and increase metabolism.

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Avoid sedentary behaviour

Long hours of sitting can make your body burn fewer calories. For every 30 minutes of sitting, stand up straight for 3 minutes.

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Sleep well

Sleep deprivation negatively affects your metabolism. It can increase risk of obesity and increased blood sugar. 

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Reduce stress

Stress triggers release of cortisol and betatrophin, which increase belly fat and slows down metabolism respectively. 

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Green tea

Green tea and oolong tea can improve metabolism in some people. They convert fat to fatty acids and improve fat burning.

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Eat spicy foods

Peppers contain capsaicin, which can boost metabolism when combined with other metabolism-boosting strategies.

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