Tips For Healthy Digestion In Summers

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Digestive issues

Several factors such as poor diet, improper hydration and excessive body heat can contribute to digestive issues in summer. The digestion process also slows down during the summer season.

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Constipation, vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain, acid reflux and food pensioning become common during this season. Here are some tips that can help prevent digestive discomfort during the summer season. 

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Stay well-hydrated

Drink at least 8 to 10 glasses per day, and more if you're outside. This includes water, drinks with additional salts, and Oral Rehydration Solutions (ORS).

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Eat right

Avoid consumption of junk food and pre-cooked foods. Choose freshly prepared home-cooked meals and well-washed fruits and vegetables.

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When it comes to dairy and baked products, exercise caution and stay away from creamy items as they can quickly go bad in the heat and cause foodborne diseases.

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Eat small meals

Having small, frequent meals allows your body to digest the food properly. Heavy meals can be quite discomforting in the summer.

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Seasonal foods

Most summer foods and vegetables have high water content which can enhance overall hydration.

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If you are stepping outside, wear sunglasses and light, breathable clothes to beat the heat.

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