Tips for Healthy Digestion in Monsoon

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The monsoon season, with its damp and humid weather, can lead to various digestive issues. Following these tips can help you avoid digestive issues and enjoy the monsoon season in good health.

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Eat Light and Fresh

Opt for freshly cooked, easy-to-digest meals. Avoid heavy, oily, and spicy foods to reduce digestive strain.

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Stay Hydrated

Drink clean, boiled, or filtered water. Herbal teas and warm soups can also aid digestion and prevent dehydration.

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Consume Probiotics

 Include yogurt, kefir, and fermented vegetables to promote healthy gut flora.

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Avoid Street Food

Stick to home-cooked meals to minimize the risk of foodborne illnesses.

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Eat Seasonal Fruits

Consume fiber-rich seasonal fruits like pears and apples to aid digestion.

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Avoid Raw Foods

Prefer cooked foods over raw to avoid ingesting harmful bacteria.

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Herbal Teas

Drink peppermint, ginger, and chamomile teas to soothe the digestive system.

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Image Credit: Unsplash

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