Foods That Reduce Body Heat

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As the temperature is rising, it is important to  take preventive measures to avoid the adverse effects of these heatwaves. Here are some foods that help cool down your body temperature.

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Proper hydration is of utmost importance during the summer season. It can also help you maintain your body's temperature.

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Cucumber is one of the vegetables with highest water content. It is refreshing and hydrating at the same time.

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Buttermilk is one of the very few protein-rich foods that cool down the body. It is also a refreshing beverage and also provides relief from gut issues.

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Mint leaves

Mint leaves are cooling to the body. It can be used to enhance the flavour of your fruit juices, lemonades, ice teas, and other summer beverages.

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Watermelon is made up of approximately 90% water. It can help keep the body cool effectively.

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Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits are a great source of hydration and vitamin C, both of which work as a shield against hot weather.

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Unlike other fatty foods that might dehydrate the body, avocados are hydrating and the fats help the body absorb other vitamins better.

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