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First aid to follow

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What is a sprain?

Overstretching or tearing of ligaments leads to sprains. Ligaments are elastic-like bands of fibrous tissue that connect bone to bone in your joints.

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More about sprain

A sprain can lead to swelling and pain in the affected area. These symptoms may worsen if the injury is severe. Ankle is the most common location for sprains.

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The initial treatment for sprains includes four steps known as the RICE therapy. It is advised to follow this as soon as the swelling and pain starts.

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R- Rest

Rest the injured area for at least 48 hours. Avoid any kind of movement especially if you have leg injury. Only do necessary activities.

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I- ICe

A cold pack can help limit swelling. It should be used as soon as possible after the injury. Keep it for 15-20 minutes and repeat this 4-8 times within the first 48 hours.

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C- Compress

This step involves wrapping an elastic band around the affected area. You should wrap the bandage firmly to provide support to the limb. But not too tight, as it will restrict the blood flow.

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E- Elevate

Elevating the injured part above the heart level if possible helps in reducing the swelling. You can try this for 2-3 hours a day for better results.

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When to see a doctor

It is important to see a doctor if you are unable to bear weight on the injured leg or your joint is numb and unstable. This indicates severe harm to the ligaments.

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It is also advised to see a doctor if the pain is unbearable and there is significant swelling. Your doctor may conduct an x-ray or MRI to check the severity of the injury.

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Fracture risk

A popping sound at the time of the injury also needs immediate medical attention as it indicates fracture. RICE therapy will not improve fracture symptoms.

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