Simple Habits For Healthy Kidneys

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Your kidneys are vital organs of the body. They purify the blood and help eliminate waste from the body. Your kidneys also regulate blood pressure and produce hormones essential for your overall health.

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Kidney Day

On the occasion of World Kidney Day 2024, here are some important habits that can help take care of your kidneys.

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Drink plenty of water

Always keep yourself hydrated and drink enough water every day. This habit helps reduce the chance of developing kidney stones and chronic kidney diseases.

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Eat right

A balanced diet ensures that your body gets all the required nutrients for proper functioning. Kidney beans, sweet potatoes, citrus fruits and dark green leafy vegetables can be quite beneficial to your kidneys.

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Exercise regularly, do yoga, decrease body weight if you are overweight. These are imperative for sound health and healthy kidneys.

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Manage conditions

If you have diabetes or hypertension, manage these conditions well with medications, diet and lifestyle changes to prevent kidney diseases.

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Quit smoking

Smoking can also lead to some chronic kidney diseases. Smoking has now been found to have a direct impact on the kidneys, so, quit smoking today!

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Reduce salt intake

A bonus for the heart and the blood pressure, reducing the sodium content one's diet is a must if one wants to prevent the formation of kidney stones.

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