Signs Of A Healthy Pregnancy

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A healthy pregnancy is characterised by a range of positive indicators that signal both the mother and baby are thriving. Recognising these signs can help reassure expectant mothers and guide them toward a smooth journey to delivery. 

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Consistent Weight Gain

Steady, appropriate weight gain throughout pregnancy is a good sign that the baby is growing well.

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Normal Blood Pressure

Maintaining a normal blood pressure level is crucial and indicates reduced risk for complications like preeclampsia.

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Active Foetal Movements

Regular and strong movements from the baby, especially after 20 weeks, are signs of healthy foetal development.

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Balanced Hormone Levels

Hormonal levels, especially of hCG, progesterone, and oestrogen, should be within normal ranges to support pregnancy.

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Healthy Appetite

A stable appetite without severe food aversions or extreme cravings often suggests a well-functioning pregnancy.

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Good Sleep Patterns

If the mother can rest well and maintain good sleep patterns, it typically indicates her body is adjusting well to the pregnancy.

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Blood Sugar Levels

Stable blood sugar levels reduce the risk of gestational diabetes, contributing to a healthy pregnancy.

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Prenatal Checkups

Positive feedback from regular prenatal visits, including good ultrasound results and blood work, further confirms a healthy pregnancy.

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