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Role Of Magnesium In Our Body

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Magnesium is one of the abundant minerals in the body. It plays a crucial role in supporting muscles and nerve function.

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According to the National Institute of Health (NIH), magnesium is required for energy production, synthesis of DNA and essential enzyme functions that regulate several reactions in the body.

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Health benefits

Magnesium can help in boosting exercise performance, fighting depression and controlling migraine headaches. It also plays a role in healthy functioning of your immune system.

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More benefits

Optimal consumption of magnesium also promotes bone health, lowers type-2 diabetes risk, improves PMS symptoms and reduces anxiety, as per studies.

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Heart health

Magnesium is crucial for maintaining a healthy heartbeat. It also helps control multiple heart disease risk factors like hypertension and inflammation.

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Daily requirement

The recommended daily requirement of magnesium according to NIH is 400-420 mg for male adults and 310-320 mg for female adults. Women should consume 350-360 mg during pregnancy and 310-320 mg in lactation period.

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Magnesium deficiency is also called hypomagnesemia. It is a common condition that usually goes underdiagnosed unless the levels are severely low.

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Signs of deficiency

Nausea, vomiting, fatigue and loss of appetite are early symptoms. As the deficiency progresses one may experience cramps, muscle contractions, abnormal heart rhythms, poor mental health and weak bones.

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Food sources

Legumes, nuts (almonds and cashew), dark chocolate, avocados, tofu, seeds (pumpkin, flax and chia seeds), whole grains, spinach, fatty fishes and bananas are some magnesium-rich foods.

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 Before taking supplements get your magnesium levels  checked and talk to your doctor. Those with diabetes, intestinal disease, heart disease or kidney disease should be extra careful.

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High doses of magnesium often result in diarrhea accompanied by nausea and abdominal cramping. It can also result in low blood pressure, muscle weakness and urine retention.

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