Signs you are not eating enough protein

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Protein, a macronutrient is defined as the building block of the body. It helps in repair and formation of tissues. Protein also assists in multiple body functions.

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Protein deficiency

Improper intake of protein can lead to various health issues. Your body may show some signs and symptoms when you are not consuming enough protein.

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Edema is a condition characterized by unexplained swelling of the skin due to water retention. This condition is a classic sign of protein deficiency.

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Skin and Hair issues

Dull and flaky skin can be a sign of low protein levels. Hair thinning, faded hair colour and alopecia are also common symptoms.

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Brittle nails

Nails are largely made of protein. Therefore, insufficient intake of protein can contribute to brittle nails.

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Low muscle mass

Protein is responsible for growth and maintenance of muscles. So, you might lose muscle mass when adequate protein consumption is overlooked.

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Increased appetite

Mild protein deficiency can make you feel hungry more than usual. You may also crave sugar frequently.

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High fracture risk

When suffering from protein deficiency, not just muscles, your bone health is also compromised. As per studies, it increases the risk of bone fractures.

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Poor immunity

Protein is also vital for your immune system to function properly. If you are falling sick too often, protein deficiency can be one of the reasons.

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Protein sources

Foods rich in protein are eggs, chicken, fatty fishes and turkey. Vegan sources include almonds, cottage cheese, quinoa, lentils, soybean, seeds and some vegetables. 

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