Low GI Fruits For Diabetics

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People with diabetes can eat fruits, but they need to be mindful of how and how much to eat. It is crucial to choose fruits with a low GI score and high fibre content.

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Here we have a list of fruits with a low glycemic index that will help maintain healthy blood sugar levels and prevent unnecessary spikes.

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Apples are a good source of fibre, potassium, vitamin C, B vitamins and antioxidants. With a low GI score apples can help improve gut health.

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Oranges are rich in vitamin C and have a low GI value. Choose a whole orange over orange juice for stable blood sugar levels.

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Cherries are high in vitamin C, fibre, potassium, and antioxidants. They are low in calories and can help prevent blood sugar spikes.

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Pears can help control blood sugar and lower your chances of developing type-2 diabetes.

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Guava has a low GI score and helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels. It can help keep constipation at bay and aid in weight loss.

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Fruits to avoid

Diabetics should avoid fruits with high GI value like watermelon, litchi and more. Also, one should limit the consumption of dried fruits, fruit juices, canned fruits and overripe fruits.

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