Lookout for These Signs of Self-Harming Habits

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Recognising signs of self-harm in teenagers is crucial for early intervention and support. Here are some warning signs to watch for.

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Unexplained Injuries:

Look for cuts, burns, bruises, or other wounds that the teen cannot explain.

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Wearing Long Sleeves

Wearing long sleeves or pants even in warm weather to cover injuries.

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Frequent Accidents

Claims of frequent accidents or mishaps that result in injuries.

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Withdrawing from friends and family, spending a lot of time alone.

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Mood Swings

Sudden mood changes, including anger, sadness, or irritability.

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Secretive Behaviour

Becoming unusually secretive, particularly about their belongings or activities.

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Low Self-Esteem

Expressing feelings of worthlessness or self-hate.

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Changes in Eating 

Noticeable changes in eating habits or sleep patterns, which can be a response to emotional distress.

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