How Does Yoga Boost Heart Health?

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Yoga is an ancient practice combining physical postures, breathing exercises and meditation. Research indicates that yoga can help improve cardiovascular function, reduce risk factors for heart disease, and enhance overall cardiovascular well-being. 

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Reduces stress & anxiety

Yoga incorporates mindfulness, meditation and deep breathing exercises, which activate the parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest) and reduce the stress response.

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Lowers blood pressure

Regular yoga practice can lead to better blood pressure regulation through relaxation techniques and improved blood circulation.

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Improves circulation

Yoga postures, especially those involving stretching and flexibility, enhance blood flow and circulation throughout the body.

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Improves respiration

Pranayama (breathing exercises) in yoga increases lung capacity, improves oxygen uptake, and promotes efficient breathing.

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Physical activity

Yoga involves physical movement that ranges from gentle stretches to vigorous flows, which can serve as a form of moderate exercise.

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Weight management

Consistent yoga practice can help burn calories and build muscle. Maintaining a healthy weight reduces the burden on the heart and lowers the risk of obesity-related heart conditions.

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Balances cholesterol

Yoga along with a healthy diet and lifestyle, can help improve lipid profiles by lowering LDL (bad) cholesterol and raising HDL (good) cholesterol.

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