'Healthy' Breakfast Foods To Avoid

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Eating a healthy breakfast is important for various reasons. Breakfast provides us with necessary nutrients and energy to kickstart the day. However, it's important to note that not all foods marketed as "healthy" are suitable for breakfast, and some may have drawbacks. 

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Flavored yogurt

Flavored yogurts often contain added sugars, which can contribute to increased calorie intake and may not be as healthful as plain, unsweetened yogurt.

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Granola bars

Many commercial granola bars are high in added sugars and may lack sufficient protein and fibre. Opt for homemade or choose options with lower sugar content and higher fibre and protein.

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Smoothies with added sugar

Pre-made smoothies or those with added sugar can be high in calories and may lack fibre. Make your own smoothies with fresh fruits, vegetables, etc.

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Processed breakfast meats

Processed meats like sausages and bacon are often high in saturated fats and sodium, which may contribute to health issues. 

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Store-bought baked sweets

Many store-bought muffins and other baked sweets are high in added sugars, refined flours, and unhealthy fats. Make your own baked foods with healthy ingredients.

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Fruit juices

Fruit juices can be high in sugars and lack the fibre found in whole fruits. Opt for freshly squeezed juices in moderation, and dilute with water to reduce sugar content.

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