Health Benefits Of Turmeric

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Turmeric or Haldi, the most powerful spices of all has been every Indian household's go-to fix for centuries. It has now become a global sensation for its many healthy properties

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Curcumin is the active component of turmeric which has antioxidants, medicinal and anti-inflammatory properties. It  is responsible for the many health benefits turmeric offers.  

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Turmeric has shown promising results in easing joint pains, stiffness and joint inflammation. Have turmeric with black pepper to get relief from arthritis pain.

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Type 2 Diabetes

Curcumin may prevent diabetes with its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, and improve factors that contribute to diabetes, including insulin resistance.  

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Viral Infections

Turmeric helps fight the likes of common cold, flu and helps boost immunity. Sip a cup of turmeric tea or latte the next time you feel under the weather.

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Alzheimer's Disease

Studies have found curcumin to improve attention and working memory in people with Alzheimer's though it may not reverse it.

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Studies have shown that turmeric extract can influence the neurotransmitter balance in the brain. Curcumin also tends to have an antidepressant and anxiolytic effect. 

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Nutritionists recommend drinking a cup of turmeric latte or haldi doodh at bed time for a stronger immunity and better sleep. 

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Turmeric stimulates bile production and release from the gallbladder, helping eliminate unwanted waste from the body. This detoxes or cleanses the liver.

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Skin Health

Mix turmeric with water and apply the paste as a face mask for rejuvenated skin. Anti-bacterial properties of turmeric can help prevent acne. Make sure you do a patch test first. 

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As inflammation is linked to tumor growth, curcumin may play an important role in preventing several types of cancer. This yet to be determined and studies are undergoing. 

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