Health Benefits Of Litchi

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Litchi season is here! From better skin health to strong immunity, litchi can be beneficial to your health in several ways. 

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Weight loss

Litchi fruit contains fibre that can help with weight loss. Fibre keeps you full for longer, resulting in less calorie consumption. High water content of litchi also promotes weight loss.

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Boosts immunity

The high vitamin C content in this super-fruit gives your immune system the fuel it needs.

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Aids digestion

Dietary fiber in litchi adds to the bulk in your stools. This way, it allows bowel to pass through the digestive tract easily and faster than usual, thereby preventing constipation. 

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Controls BP

Litchi is a rich source of potassium and low in terms of sodium, this helps in maintaining fluid balance in the body. Fluid balance is important for your metabolic functions and hypertension as well. 

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Benefits the skin

High vitamin C content in litchis can be helpful in reducing the negative effects of free radicals, thereby slowing down ageing.

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Source of copper

Litchi is a great source of copper which in turn, boosts hair growth. It helps stimulate the hair follicles and makes your hair grow.

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Rich in rutin

Litchi is rich in abundant polyphenols like the bioflavonoid called rutin. This strengthens the blood vessels.

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