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Donate Blood And Save A Life

Who can donate blood?

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Blood donation

Blood is a life-saving resource essential for both planned treatments and urgent interventions. Blood donation helps fulfill the need for safe blood in medical procedures

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Who can donate blood?

One donation can save up to three lives. But not everyone is eligible to donate blood. Several factors are taken under consideration before blood donation.

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Minimum age for blood donation is 18 years and maximum is 65 years. Also, first time donors should not be over 60 years of age.

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To donate 350 ml of blood a person should weigh at least 45 kg. For a donation of 450 ml of blood, body weight should be 55 kg or more.

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A person must be in good health at the time of donation. He/she cannot donate if suffering from cold, flu, sore throat, stomach bug or any other infection.

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Chronic Diseases

People with chronic conditions like cancer, cardiac disease, lung disease, hepatitis B and C, HIV infection, AIDS and more cannot donate blood.

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Tattoo and piercing

If you have had a tattoo or body piercing you cannot donate for 6 months. If body piercing was done by a registered health professional and inflammation has settled you can donate after 12 hours.

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Dental treatments

For blood donation you should wait for at least 24 hours after minor dental procedures and for around a month after major treatments.

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It is advised not to donate blood during pregnancy. New mothers should also defer for total period of lactation too.

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How to prepare?

Get plenty of sleep the night before you plan to donate. Eat a healthy meal and drink enough fluids before donation.

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Basic medical exam

Before donating blood, you have to undergo a medical exam to check haemoglobin levels, pulse rate, body temperature and blood pressure.

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Other factors

It is best to inform the doctor about your medical history, current medications, health issues, travel history, smoking and drinking habits, sexual activities and usage of any kinds of drugs.

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