Dehydrating Foods To Avoid This Summer

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During summer, certain foods and drinks can exacerbate dehydration. Here we've a list of foods and drinks that might be dehydrating you this summer.

Fried foods

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Fried foods can be hard on the digestive system and raise your body's temperature. Too much salt in fried foods can also dehydrate your body.

Spicy foods

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Spicy foods can increase body temperature and make you sweat more. Consuming these foods can also lead to indigestion and heartburn which are common during the summer season.


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Caffeine is a diuretic, which increases urine production and may lead to water loss. Also, coffee can increase your body's temperature.

Carbonated drinks

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Despite the popular belief that sodas and colas can help you cool down, carbonated drinks can be extremely dehydrating and addictive.

Alcoholic beverages

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Alcohol should be avoided as it dehydrates the body and increases body temperature. It can also lead to heat exhaustion.

Salty snacks

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High salt content increases the body's need for water to flush out excess sodium, leading to dehydration. 

Sugary snacks

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High sugar levels can cause the body to pull water from cells to balance sugar levels in the blood, leading to dehydration.

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