Benefits Of Fennel Seeds In Summer

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Fennel seeds, also known as saunf, are widely used in India. Fennel seeds are well-packed with beneficial properties that offer a range of health benefits. Here are some reasons why you must consume fennel seeds this summer.

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Keep you cool

Fennel seeds have natural cooling properties that help reduce body heat, making them ideal for hot weather. Sauf can help soothe the body, reduce inflammation, and lower body heat.

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Better digestion

Fennel seeds are also known for their digestive properties. When consumed after meals, they can help relieve digestive discomfort, such as bloating, constipation and indigestion.

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Reduces inflammation

Consuming fennel seeds can help reduce inflammation, making them a useful tool in preventing chronic diseases.

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Weight management

Fennel seeds can boost metabolism and suppress appetite due to its fibre content. Enhanced metabolism and reduced appetite may help with weight loss.

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Natural detoxifier

Fennel seeds contain antioxidants that help eliminate toxins from the body, making them a natural detoxifier. 

Image Credit: Pixabay 

How to use

Drinking fennel seeds water can enhance overall well-being and keep the body cool and refreshed during the summer months. 

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Chew post-meal

Chew some fennel seeds post-meal. It will boost digestion and leave you with a refreshing feeling. It will also help you prevent gas and bloating.

Image Credit: Pixabay 

Image Credit: Pexels

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