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Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) is made by adding yeast to apple juice. The yeast turns sugar in apple juice into alcohol. This process is known as fermentation.
Bacteria turns alcohol into acetic acid. This is what gives apple cider vinegar its sour taste and strong smell. Tap to know the various ways it can benefit you.
Acetic acid in ACV can kill harmful bacteria and prevent them from multiplying further. It can be used as a disinfectant and as a natural preservative.
ACV has been found to improve insulin sensitivity and can help in lowering blood sugar response after meals. This can be beneficial for people with type 2 diabetes. But, do check with your doctor first.
Apple cider vinegar can induce feelings of fullness, make you eat fewer calories, and thus aid weight loss. Drinking 12-30 ml of ACV can help in reducing around 1.7 kgs, in 3 months, as per studies.
It has to be noted that ACV alone cannot help with weight loss. To lose weight effectively, you need to cut down on your overall calorie intake and exercise regularly.
ACV is a popular remedy for skin conditions like dry skin and eczema. It can help in balancing the natural pH of the skin, and improves the skin's natural barrier.
Make homemade salad dressings with ACV. You can also dilute it in water and drink it as a beverage. Add 1-2 tsp of ACV in a glass of water to make it. You can have it in morning or any other time in the day.
Start having ACV in small amounts and avoid taking in large amounts. It can sometimes lead to side effects like tooth enamel erosion. Have ACV water with a straw to avoid it. Do check with your expert once.
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