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All You Need To Know About UTI

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What is uti?

A urinary tract infection is an infection in any part of the urinary system. Most infections affect the bladder and the urethra. Women are at a higher risk of UTI than men.

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Causes of UTI

Poor intimate hygiene leads to accumulation of bacteria in the urinary system. These bacteria enter the urinary tract through the urethra and begin to multiply in the bladder.

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Risk Factors

Shorter urethra in women, menopause, kidney stones, diabetes, poor bathroom hygiene or a previous infection may increase the risk.

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Symptoms of UTi

A burning sensation with urination, pelvic pain, frequent urination in small amounts, blood in urine and cloudy urine are some symptoms of UTI.

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When to see a doctor

Visit your doctor if infection keeps recurring or symptoms aggravate. An untreated infection may spread to the upper urinary tract which is much more difficult to treat.

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Your doctor will conduct a urine test and check the urine culture too. If you have recurrent UTIs, MRI, CT scan or an ultrasound is also required.

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Your physician may prescribe antibiotics with some medications to soothe the pain. Right precautions with medical assistance can support recovery.

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Prevention tips

Timely prevention can help control the symptoms. Know some effective tips in the next slides that can alleviate the risk of recurrence.

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Drink enough water

Water makes you urinate frequently allowing the bacteria to flush out from the urinary tract. It further reduces the risk of UTIs.

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Cranberry juice

Studies suggest that cranberries work by preventing bacteria from adhering to the urinary tract. It is advised to drink unsweetened cranberry juice.

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Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that can help the urinary tract stay healthy. Yogurt is one of the best probiotics which is beneficial for your gut health too.

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Vitamin C

Immunity-boosting vitamin C helps in killing the bacteria that may cause the infection. Citrus fruits like grapefruit, oranges, lemon or kiwi are some of the best sources.

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Diet tips

To prevent UTIs, you should consume a well-balanced diet loaded with fruits and vegetables that can provide you with optimum levels of antioxidants.

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Do not use chemical-based products, wipe from front to back, do not hold pee and choose cotton clothing to prevent transfer as well as accumulation of bacteria.

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