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A Quick Guide To Understanding PCOS

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What is pcos?

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) affects women during their childbearing years. In PCOS, many small cysts grow in the ovaries, which leads to hormonal imbalances.

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The symptoms may include irregular periods or heavy bleeding, hair growth on face, chest and back, weight gain, acne and male pattern baldness.

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When to see a doctor

Pay a visit to your doctor if you've missed a period when not expecting pregnancy or experiencing infertility, hair growth on face and other symptoms.

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A detailed medical history followed by other tests including blood test to check hormonal levels and an ultrasound are required to diagnose this condition.

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Infertility, diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, depression, anxiety, eating disorders and higher risk of heart diseases are some serious complications of PCOS.

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Your doctor will prescribe medications to balance the hormones and to control other symptoms. Shedding weight with a healthy diet and lifestyle also help fight these.

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Diet and lifestyle

A well-balanced diet is recommended including high-fibre and anti-inflammatory foods. Exercise combined with healthy diet is more beneficial and helps in weight loss too.

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Sleep well

Your sleep schedule has a direct impact on hormones. Fix a bedtime routine and make sure to sleep for at least 7-8 hours to avoid hormonal imbalance.

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stay Stress-free

Cortisol is the stress hormone that can affect this condition. Try yoga, meditation, exercise, relaxation techniques and self-care to beat stress.

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Stop Smoking

Women with PCOS tend to have higher amounts of male hormones (androgen). Smoking can worsen androgen levels and also increase the risk of metabolic syndrome.

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