7 Yoga Poses For Upper Arm Fat

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Tone and strengthen your arms with these effective yoga poses. Not only can they help reduce upper arm fat, but they also improve overall flexibility and health.

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Chaturanga Dandasana

Four-Limbed Staff Pose strengthens and tones the wrists, arms, and abdominal muscles.

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Adho Mukha Svanasana

Downward Facing Dog works the arms and shoulders while stretching the back.

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Crow Pose builds arm strength and balance.

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Plank Pose engages the arms, shoulders, and core for better tone and strength.

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Boat Pose while primarily for the core, it also challenges the arm muscles as you balance.

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Side Plank Pose focuses on the obliques and arms, enhancing muscle tone.

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Cobra Pose strengthens the arms and shoulders as you lift your chest off the ground.

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