7 Signs You May Have An Internet Addiction

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Internet addiction is a compulsive need to spend excessive amounts of time online, often to the detriment of daily life and responsibilities. It is characterised by an inability to control online usage, leading to negative impacts on personal, social, and professional aspects of life. 

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Constantly thinking about online activities or anticipating the next online session. This preoccupation can distract from daily responsibilities and real-life interactions.

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Increased time spent

Spending progressively more time online to achieve the same level of satisfaction. This can lead to neglect of personal, professional, and social responsibilities.

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Unable to cut back

Unsuccessful efforts to reduce or control internet use. This lack of control can exacerbate feelings of frustration and helplessness.

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Withdrawal symptoms

Experiencing restlessness, irritability, or depression when not online. These symptoms can affect mood and behaviour, leading to social isolation.

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Neglecting other things

Skipping or avoiding important tasks, social events, or responsibilities to stay online. This neglect can harm relationships, job performance, and academic success.

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Lying about internet use

Deceiving family members, friends, or therapists about the extent of online activity. Lying can lead to a breakdown in trust and further social withdrawal.

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Using internet as an escape

Going online to relieve stress, guilt, anxiety, or depression. This reliance on the internet for emotional relief can prevent addressing underlying issues and lead to further mental health problems.

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