6 Vitamins Essential For Women's Health

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Vitamins are important for women's health as they play a crucial role in supporting various bodily functions and maintaining overall well-being. It is crucial to maintain a balanced diet to obtain these essential vitamins and minerals, but in some cases, dietary supplements may be recommended to meet the recommended daily intake.

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Vitamin D

This vitamin helps in calcium absorption, promoting strong bones and teeth. It also plays a role in immune function, reducing the risk of autoimmune disorders.

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Vitamin B9

Vitamin B9 also known as folic acid or folate is vital for reproductive health and during pregnancy as it helps in the formation of the neural tube in the developing foetus. It also supports red blood cell production.

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Vitamin C

Known for its immune-boosting properties, vitamin C also aids in collagen formation, which is important for skin health and wound healing. It also enhances iron absorption from plant-based sources.

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Vitamin B12

This vitamin is crucial for nerve health, red blood cell production, and DNA synthesis. It is particularly important for women following a vegetarian or vegan diet, as it is mainly found in animal-based products.

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Vitamin E

A powerful antioxidant, vitamin E helps protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. It also helps maintain healthy skin, eyes, and immune function.

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Vitamin A

Essential for vision, vitamin A also supports reproductive health. Additionally, it promotes cell growth and division, maintains healthy skin, and enhances immune function.

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