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Why You Must Do Lunges Daily

The lunge is a resistance exercise that helps strengthen the lower body, core and glutes. It is popular for its ability to strengthen the legs, back and hips while improving mobility and stability. 


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Lunges do not require any equipment, is safe, easy-to-learn and super beneficial. The number of repetitions you do would depend on your training goals. Let's look at the many benefits it offers


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Lunges work on the large muscle groups in the lower body. These muscles need a lot of energy to function, and as a result, burn a lot of calories. They also help build lean mass. 

Weight loss

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Core stability refers to our ability to control and maintain our spinal and pelvic positioning. A proper lunge posture can help you achieve a stronger and more stable core.

Core stability

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Lunges are great for toning your lower body including your glutes, quads, and hamstrings. This exercise is great for tightening up the muscles in the legs and buttocks.

Shaping and Toning

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Besides shaping, lunges are great for strengthening the legs and buttocks. Lunges can be done with weight for fewer repetitions to gain better lower body strength.

Strengthens lower body

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Lunges are a great way to increase your hip mobility. Flexor muscles are usually ignored in other forms of workout. But lunges can help you make these parts of your body more flexible.

Hip flexibility

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While most exercises put load on the spine, lunges help reduce it and let the spine relax. While working on other parts of your body, lunges take load off your spine

Better spinal health

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A workout which makes you more functional is one which impacts your natural, every day movements. Lunges are one such exercise which makes you more functional.

Makes you functional

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It is important to practice lunges properly as an incorrect method can put too much pressure on the joints leading to injury. If you do have a back injury, consult a professional before attempting lunges 


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Video Credit: Pexels

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