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Tips To Master Push Ups, For Beginners

Push up is an effective bodyweight exercise that can strengthen your upper body, back and core. This no-equipment exercise can be a little challenging for beginners.


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Push ups can make your core and upper body strong. Practising push ups regularly is also linked with improved cardiovascular health, better bone health and toned muscles.


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Begin with standard push up, and take note of the number of repetitions you can perform without exhausting yourself. Gradually increase the count with time.


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Poor posture while exercising can invite injuries and strain your muscles. Performing fewer push ups with correct form is beneficial than completing many with poor form.


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Once you are well-versed with standard push ups, try different variations like wall push up, knee push up, shoulder tap push up and more.


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Maintain a good form and place your palms flat on the floor while doing this exercise. Also, do not forget to rest in between sets.

Pro tips

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Do not hold your breath at any point when doing push ups. Breathe in as you lower your body and exhale when you push your body back to the starting position.

Breathing technique

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You should not do push ups if you have a shoulder, wrist, elbow or leg injury. Also, avoid over-exercising as it will drain your energy levels.


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Image Credit: Pexels

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