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Signs You Are Over-Exercising

You should exercise at least 3-4 times a week to stay fit. But if you exercise more often than needed and find that you are often tired, or your performance suffers, it may be time to take it easy.

Do not over-exercise

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To get stronger you need to push your body. But you also need to rest. Overdoing exercising can have harmful effects. Let's look at some signs that tell you are over doing it.


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Mental or physical fatigue is a sure shot sign of overtraining. You may feel you can push yourself to get a burst of energy but you're actually pushing it to painful levels.


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Over-exercising can lead to disrupted sleep patterns as lack of rest can make one you restless and unable to fall asleep.


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When you put more stress on the heart, it has to work a lot harder. As a result there is an increase in the normal resting heart rate. This indicates that you're placing excessive stress on your body.

Elevated heart rate

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Exercising too much disrupts your body's ability to regulate stress hormone cortisol. That can result in your body holding on to excess fat.

Fat gain

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You can avoid over-exercising by listening to your body and getting enough rest. Make sure you to eat enough calories and drink enough water.

What to do

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Also avoid exercising in extreme heat or cold and stop exercising when you don't feel well or are under a lot of stress.

Stop doing this

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Rest for at least 6 hours in between periods of exercise. You should also take a full day off every week.

Take rest days!

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