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Common Ab Training Mistakes 

To lose belly fat you need to focus on working on your abdominal muscles minimum thrice a week. 


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If you're still not seeing those very desirable six packs in spite of working out regularly, there is something you're doing wrong! Let's find out.


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Working out your abs without training your back can create an imbalance in the musculature that supports the spine. So, do exercises that support the spine as well like squats and lifts.

Take care of the back

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Most people tend to place their hands behind the head for support when they do crunches or sit-ups. But this can actually cause neck injuries, affecting the outcome of the workout. 


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While doing ab exercises it is important to place your hands at the ears or to cross them over the chest. 


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Exercising without support is very counter-productive. While working on the lower abs, it is a common mistake to simply raise your legs. Try using machines to do this at the gym to support the lower back.

Get support

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It is easy to do this exercise wrong! Instead of bending over your lower back and pointing up with your butt, the spine needs to be completely straight and aligned with the buttocks.

Do planks right

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“Abs are made in the kitchen, not in the gym”? This holds true as the only way one can lose fat and have a flat stomach is by following an energy deficit by addressing your diet.

Focus on diet

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Just like any other muscle, abs too need time to properly recover after each training session. For this reason, train your abs no more than 2-3 times per week, at most.

Right frequency 

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Adding weights to your abdominal work is the secret to great abs. If you notice it is hard to maintain your form with the addition of weights, lighten the load.

Add weights

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Achieving flat abs is a full time job! Cardio and clean eating are equally important. No matter the exercise or activity, you can engage your abs and keep working at it. 

Pro tip

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