Tips For Women To Stay Fit After 50

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As one gets older, it becomes increasingly difficult to shed excess weight and fat but it is also equally important to stay fit and it's never too late to do it.

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Follow these tips and lifestyle changes to stay fit and healthy after 50.

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Choose your workout

Exercising doesn't need to be boring or something that leaves you feeling sick or too tired. Choose fun exercise options such as a dance or Zumba class, a fun sport or join a group workout.

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Go plant based

Your digestive system and metabolism naturally slows down as you age. Instead of eating unhealthy or fatty red meat that can be difficult to digest, enjoy more healthy plant based options. 

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Less salt, more water

Consuming high amounts of sodium can lead to high blood pressure. Cut back on salt in your favourite foods and opt for a handy water bottle to track your daily water intake.

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Don't push yourself 

Your body is not young and won't bounce back as easily. Do not let this dishearten you or change your fitness goals. Workout and eat as healthy as you can without restricting yourself. 

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Walk more

Walking is an underrated fitness activity. Instead of driving, take a walk as much as you can. It helps clear your mind and also burns extra calories.

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Gut health

Your slow metabolism can lead to various digestive problems. Ensure you're eating foods that are rich in probiotics and good for your gut. Add more fermented foods to your diet. 

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Stretching helps loosen up your tense muscles and release all pent up tension . It is a good way to shake your body and begin a fresh day. 

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