Tips To Motivate Yourself To Exercise 

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Many people start an exercise regime, but may stop if they get bored, or they don't enjoy it or if the results don't show too quickly. Here are some tips to help you stay motivated and consistent.

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Set small goals

Start your journey with baby steps - set small goals like daily goals, then weekly goals, monthly goals, and finally, aim to hit your target.

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Encouraging notes

Plaster sticky notes with positive messages about working out around you like on your bed side, work table, bathroom mirror, etc. They serve as a constant reminder to stay on track.

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Make it fun

There are plenty of fitness apps available to choose from where you can schedule daily workouts and map your fitness goals

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Use a fitness app

There are plenty of fitness apps available to choose from where you can schedule daily workouts and map your fitness goals

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Get a buddy

Working out is a lot easier when you have a partner. Skip coffee, wine dates and instead exercise together. 

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Choose a time

Any exercise done in the day at any time is good! There are no hard and fast rules to what time you should exercise.Suit yourself and your routine to increase chances of exercising  

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Rest day

Working out every day can be taxing and lead to overstrain and burnout! Make sure you take a break for rest and get recharged. 

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Create a space

Designating an area in the house can help set the mindset and minimize distractions. 

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Do what you love

Choose activities and workouts that you enjoy and look forward to can help keep you motivated more often.

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Image Credit: Pexels

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