Tips To Help You Stick To Your Fitness Routine

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Planning on starting a fitness regime is the first step towards your path to a healthier and fitter version of yourself. 

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Consistent effort in following a healthy diet and exercising regularly is required to see changes on the weighing scale. 

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Here are some tips that can help you make consistent progress on your health and fitness regime.

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Be regular

To begin your fitness journey, you need motivation and disciple. But if you want to get results, you need consistency. Try to workout five days a week and eat healthy, home-cooked food.

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Look for something that you enjoy. Include variety You can do a variety of workouts like dancing, aerobics, Zumba, yoga, pilates, etc. Do workouts that you like doing and you will never feel too demotivated to exercise.

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Make it a habit

Your workout should be just as much a habit as brushing your teeth. When it's part of a routine, you won't even have to think about it. With time, fitness will become a regular feature in your day.

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Work towards making small and sustainable habits that encourage you to move every day. It can be basic activities like doing household chores or taking walking breaks, or activities like gardening, cycling etc.

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Experts believe that the scales are not consistent, and can disappoint you nine of 10 times. You can have goals like fitting into your old clothes, or being able to do exercises which you weren't able to do earlier. Setting non-scale goals can be quite motivating.

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In the long-term, you should try to not focus on your transformation. Because, the best transformations happen when you're not even looking for them.

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Get a buddy

Have a workout or diet buddies. Having your own tribe to support and cheer you is in itself quite motivating. It is also an effective way to make your fitness journey fun and interesting.

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