Importance Of Rest Days For Exercise

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Taking rest days are just as important as exercise since it keeps your body and mind fresh, and helps guard against burnout. Taking regular breaks allows your body to recover and repair.

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A rest day is essential for progress, regardless of fitness level. Skipping rest days can lead to overtraining or burnout. Here's a look at the advantages of taking regular rest days.

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Time for recovery

During a rest day, the beneficial effect of exercise takes place. It is during this time that the tissues heal and grow, resulting in stronger muscles.

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Muscle fatigue

Rest is necessary for avoiding exercise-induced fatigue. By getting adequate rest, you'll prevent fatigue by letting your glycogen stores refill.

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Risk of injury

Regular rest is important for staying safe during exercise. Overtraining exposes muscles to repetitive stress and strain, which increases the risk of overuse injuries.

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Rest helps increases energy and prevents fatigue, which prepares the body for consistently successful workouts.

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Exercise increases energy-boosting hormones like cortisol and adrenaline and overworking can overproduce these hormones which in turn can adversely affect sleep. Rest helps you sleep better by letting the hormones return to a normal, balanced state.

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Rest day for runners 

If you're a beginner, start running three days a week. Running too much can lead to fatigue and overuse injuries. 

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Rest days for cardio

For moderate aerobic activity, it's recommended to take a rest day every three to five days. If you do vigorous cardio, you'll want to take more frequent rest days.

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