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How To Fix A Stiff Neck

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A stiff neck can be painful and can interfere with your daily activities. Though mostly temporary, without proper care, neck stiffness can become chronic.


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Neck pain can often arise from muscle tension or injuries, but certain medical conditions have neck pain as a side effect as well.


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Apply ice or heat

Ice can help reduce inflammation and swelling by lowering blood flow to an area. Heat does the opposite, stimulating blood flow.

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OTC pain relievers

OTC pain relievers don't require a prescription and can help reduce general pain and inflammation in the body. 

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Stretching can help relieve pain and stiffness and prevent it from recurring in the future. It's important to stretch gently and slowly, making sure you always breathe in and out fully. 

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Massage by a trained practitioner can help to loosen and stretch your neck and back muscles.

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Physiotherapy can help manage chronic pain and relief, assigning helpful exercises to train your muscles.

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Limit activity

If your neck stiffness and pain started after doing a physical activity, you should limit that activity until the stiffness resolves. 

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Reduce stress

Stress can cause you to tense the muscles in your neck, shoulders, and back. Reducing stress can help treat and prevent neck pain and stiffness.

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Image Credit: Pexels

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