Fat Loss Vs. Weight Loss: Know More 

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Weight loss is the drop in overall body weight from muscle, water, and fat losses whereas fat loss refers to weight loss from fat. Fat loss is more specific and has more fruitful benefit than weight loss though it is difficult to asses if one is losing weight fat or muscles. 

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Fat loss

Fat loss is more important than weight loss! Most people focus on overall weight loss goals but one may just be losing water weight and muscles. Losing muscles can have an adverse effect on one's overall health. 

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Weight loss

Muscle weight is important to maintain blood sugars, to maintain fat levels and controlling inflammation. Also, the more muscles you have the more calories you burn. 

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Lose fat

The focus of any weight loss programme should hence be to lose fat and not muscles. Here are ways you can lose fat weight and maintain or even gain muscle mass.

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1. Consume proteins

Proteins are very important for several bodily functions. They are also important for maintaining the muscles you have and for new muscle growth. Eating a high protein, low calorie diet with weight training will help you maintain as well increase muscle mass.

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Protein needs vary with age, sex, health etc. but studies indicate that consuming a protein intake of around 30% of calories may be optimal for weight loss. 

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2. Exercise 

Exercise is the most effective way to encourage fat loss rather than muscle loss. Research has shown that people who engage in cardio and weight training three times a week and consume a calorie-restricted diet, retain 93% of the muscles as compared to those who don't exercise. 

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3. Low-calorie diet

One can lose weight by creating a calorie deficit by eating fewer calories and. Cutting down too many calories can also lead to loss of muscle rather than fat. So the aim should be to moderately reduce calories by 500?600 per day to minimize muscle loss. 

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Focus more on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein foods, low fat dairy, and fewer sugar-sweetened products and beverages, processed meats, and fried foods.

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