Easy Exercises To Begin Your Weight Loss Journey

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Although fitness can be a tough road for all, it is especially tough to begin this journey. While fast weight loss results can be tempting, they're usually unattainable. 

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Here are some easy and effective steps which will help you begin your weight loss journey.

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An under appreciated form of exercise, walking alone can help you burn hundreds of calories a day. The suggested amount for a day is 10,000 steps, however you can slowly begin with 3-5,000 steps a day.

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Stationary bike

 While cycling is a great form of cardio, it can be tough for beginners. You can slowly build your stamina and habit by using a stationary bike for 15 minutes everyday.

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Skipping rope

A fun childhood game, skipping ropes is another intense cardio exercise which is great for burning fat. 

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Use your chair

If you have a desk job, you can take 15 minutes out of your day to do easy chair workouts such as knee raises or squats.

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Climbing stairs

This is particularly helpful if you work in an office complex or live in an apartment. Take the stairs instead of the lift and slowly see your stamina build.

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Who doesn't love a good Bollywood inspired cardio session? Put on your favourite tunes and a good and fun workout.

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A fun form of workout for the summers, swimming is one of the best ways to burn calories.

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Power Yoga

Yoga has numerous easy beginner friendly workout poses that you can gradually increase the levels of for fitness.

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