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Cardio Exercises Tips And Benefits 

Aerobic exercise and activities are also called cardio or cardiovascular. During such an activity there is repeated movement of large muscles in the arms, legs and hips.


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While performing cardio exercises the heart rate increases maximising the amount of oxygen in the blood.


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Always warm up for five to 10 minutes to gradually rev up your system and increase the blood flow to muscles. 

Warm up well

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You should do at least 30 minutes of cardio a day at your own pace and don't forget to cool down for 5-10 minutes post the session. 


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Common examples of cardio exercises include walking, bicycling, swimming, dancing and water aerobics.


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Cardio exercise helps lower blood pressure, keeping the arteries clear by raising the HDL (good cholesterol) and lowering LDL (bad cholesterol) levels. 

Lower BP

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Regular cardio workouts can help regulate insulin levels and lower blood sugar. They also help keep body weight in check.

Improve blood sugars 

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Cardio exercise can benefit joint health. It helps manage arthritis discomfort and maintains joint range of motion. It also fights osteoporosis.

Joint health

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Past studies have shown that regular aerobic exercises help increase certain antibodies in the body hence boosting immunity. 

Boost immunity 

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Diet and exercise are the building blocks to weight loss but a proper regular cardio plan can help you lose weight and keep it off.

Reduce weight

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A regular exercise programme can help regulate your sleep pattern but remember to not workout too close to bedtime though.

Better sleep

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