Add These Anti-Inflammatory Foods To Your Diet 

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Foods rich in anti-inflammatory properties are essential for your physical well being. They boost metabolism and help prevent infections. Here are foods you can add to your diet and benefit from their for anti-inflammatory properties. 

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All berries are rich in antioxidants such as anthocyanins that have anti-inflammatory actions. It helps boost your body's immunity.

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Green tea

Green tea is one of the healthiest teas available. It is rich in antioxidants and helps reduce the risk of heart disease, obesity and even cancer.

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Bell peppers

Peppers are full of antioxidants and vitamin C. They help with digestive problems and reduce inflammation in the gut.

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Grapes also contain anthocyanin that help with inflammation in the body. They also reduce the risk of heart related problems.

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The Indian spice is filled with medicinal properties. Turmeric is known to help provide relief against pain from injuries.

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Tomorrows are highly nutritious.  They contain lycopene, an antioxidant known to reduce the risk of certain cancers.

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Mushrooms are rich in vitamin B, copper and phenols, an antioxidant known to provide relief to inflamed cells.

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Dark chocolate

This delicious dessert has anti-inflammatory properties and improves cardiac health. 

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Image Credit: Pexels

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