8 Dietary Habits To Feel In Control

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There are some healthy habits that you can start practising to have a better relationship with food.

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Fad diets

Stop believing in fad diets and extreme diet rules that don't make sense. 

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Eat when hungry

Eat when you're hungry and when you start starving. 

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Always include protein and fibre in your meals and snacks.

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See what all healthy components you can add to your meals and not just what you can cut out.

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Plan your meals

Give your food your attention in planning and executing - don't be in a rush.

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Know when full

Know when you're full and enjoy every bite guilt free.

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Move more

Get into the habit to move after every meal 

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Choose wisely

What you eat is what you become so adopt good eating habits and choose wisely.

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Image Credit: Pexels

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