It has been scientifically proven that smoking causes premature aging of the entire body, and gray hair too. If you want to prevent gray hair, stop smoking.

Stress and mental worries have been linked to premature graying of hair. Stress, like smoking, causes body to age faster. Regular exercise, yoga and meditation helps you lessen your tensions and thus, help prevent gray hair.

Gray hair often result due to lack of protein in the diet. So, have a healthy diet rich in proteins. Add sprouted whole grains, cereals, meat and soya to your diet.

Gray hair can also be the result of a medical condition. If you are deficient in vitamin B12 or suffer from a thyroid imbalance, it can also result in premature graying of hair.

Inadequate sleep also leads to premature gray hair. It is essential to sleep for 6-7 hours daily.

Don't just use any hair colour or products. Whatever you used on your scalp must be approved by a skin specialist.

Scientific studies have shown that too much tea, coffee, alcohol and smoking turns human hair gray.

Take out time for activities which you enjoy. Balancing life promote emotional harmony and personal satisfaction, which helps prevent premature ageing and gray hair also.

Hair hygiene is also very important. Wash and condition your hair regularly - at least thrice a week.

Take omega-3 fish oil supplements daily. Three thousand milligrams a day is adequate to prevent gray hair.